Thursday, June 2, 2016


The level of uncertainty one allows or enjoys in their life is normally, though not necessarily, in direct relation to the level of certainty they have. For instance, a person having enough economical support can afford to take chances and experiment with his career without bothering much about the monetary returns. Someone with a fair and smooth inflow of money can take a couple of months or a year off from their usual activities and go travelling, exploring and so on. So the relative uncertainty one can afford to allow correlates directly to the relative certainty they have of their assets, safety, life, relationships and innumerable other factors one holds important.
So now, if we take things to the extreme, what would it take to allow absolute uncertainty in one's life? Is it possible? Is it possible to just live with no intention to direct the course of things in any particular direction and let the story be played by itself? What would it take? What kind of certainty would it take to allow everything you hold as yours including this body and this life to be acted out without your control?
This is Zen. This is Yoga. This is the oneness.This is Advaita. The universal consciousness. Awakening. This is the living mystery of existence. This certainty nullifies every attempt of the ego to strife and perpetuate. The food for the ego is separation of this body-mind from the whole. What purpose remains for the ego when the oneness is consciously experienced? When there is only you, you as the whole, you alone as the conscious unity of this existence, not in theory, not as a belief, not as a poetic expression, not as a sad feel good lullaby, not as an imagination but the direct recognition of your non divisibility, the living truth as you being everything, at the same time being nothing, a constant fountain of awareness without any past or future, the source of the matter and energy, the conscious witness of this play where there are no players, where everything happens without any intent and nothing ever goes wrong, where you see the perfection and the utter simplicity of all the existence...

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