Friday, August 26, 2016

Unconditional joy is not the attainment but the most natural state of your being. 
But the misery and dread is so dear to the so called deep and wise.
That it has become in this culture a sign of naivety to talk about the happiness and joy.
The highest of the high, the Buddha, when he closes his eyes, he is not in denial but in the awareness of the most profound. 
He is overflowing with joy, that arises in him without this world.
Dis-identification from this form is not an escape but the entry into your most sacred abode. Of the conscious unity of everything.
As long as there is an 'other' in your psyche, you have missed it.
This is your eternal home.
Forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, surrender are not the virtues to cultivate for others, but are a ladder for you to reach your being, to return to it.
The learned once already occupying your psyche will deny this.
From where did we learn to distrust the existence so much? That we immediately ask the reason as soon as touched by some joy. This is the poverty of this culture to be hesitant in welcoming the joy in.
So much effort to change the external without knowing that its the fight only with the shadow.
The realized once didn't turn their back on the evil of the world by being absorbed in this bliss.
They know how to bring the well being to this world even with the closed eyes.
May there be striving in us.
To attain to the truth of our being.
The Supreme Hermit is home
This being home is the being
This comfort mothers
This is wholeness
In this wholeness there is not even one
Not one, not two

There is only the is-ness
Is-ness of what?
Home is beyond this question
Home is prior to this question

This is the sacred most abode
My dwelling place

Who am I?
Who am I not?
I do not understand the who
I do not answer the who

Knowing needs two
I am the knowledge
Without any content

So what is that, that is?
That what is, is
Why call it as this
Or that