Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Open Secret

One of the simplest words I have come across which point towards the highest state of consciousness is 'paying attention to the attention' by Mooji. It is a knack, really. If one simply asks 'where is my attention right now'? At that instant, the attention has to be here. It cannot be then wandering somewhere at some objects or thoughts. It has to come back here. In that moment all the content, i.e. all the psychological activity is dropped and you become present. You discover what it is like to be just awareness. You discover the existence beyond mind. You become no mind. No mind doesn't indicate unconsciousness. It is the exact opposite. It is full consciousness. Only then you realize that being occupied with the thoughts and all the psychological activity is like being asleep, being completely mechanical. In this presence, in this no mind, in this stillness, something tremendous happens. The deeper intelligence within you awakens. This intelligence is completely dis identified from all the impressions and conditioning. All the past, all the identity, all the boundaries are dropped at once. This realm of being once touched is recognized instantly as the most original state of your existence. It is the ecstasy. The awakening. A tremendous joy which is inherent and effortless in this state upsurges. And you will find no reason for it to be there at all. You won't be even looking for a reason because you will recognize this as your home. Reality. And will come to know that how the impressions and conditioning this consciousness goes through  distort the picture of reality and people are caught in the illusion of suffering.  And as the mind activity ceases here, you do not even have to maintain the pleasant state. It is spontaneous, uninterrupted and effortless. One of the fear people have for exploring the realms beyond mind is that they might lose their sanity. However, it is not the case. When you are established in the being, there is no psychological resistance left in you anymore, no conflicting philosophies and struggle for any achievement or fear of losing. You see the situation and tackle them far more efficiently than you were doing from the mind identified state.
One who understands this secret, not just intellectually but in its true essence, one who drinks this elixir, one who awakens to his being, one who transcends his limits, enjoys the nameless ecstasies. That one smiles without being afraid of losing it. That one lives. That one loves. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Where is this sound heard?
Where is this scene seen?
Where is this fragrance smelled?
This where takes you beyond.
And the beyond comes here.
You come home
And you become the sight, the sound and the smell.