Thursday, December 29, 2016

The external reality around you in 'objective' sense
Is reflected on the screen of your mind creating a 'subjective' picture
You watch the external reality now through this inner 'subjective' filter

When you just 'watch' everything
'As if' in a mirror
'As a whole' and not 'dividing'

You will 'see' the mirror gets clearer and clearer
And when there is not a single particle of 'dust'
In that clarity of 'witnessing' without 'participation'
'Something' will happen

You have invested so much in the unreal
That you make a Buddha lie to you
You make him dilute the truth and seduce you towards it

Your world will be over instantaneously
If you come to know that there is only 'illusion' and 'reality' and no graduations in between
There is nothing like gold, silver, iron and less and less...
There is only diamonds and nothing
The nothing being absolutely nothing at all
Why do you still insist on admiring or even acknowledging that which is false

Your cleverness is ready with all its 'experience' and 'perspectives' and 'justifications'
To twist every pointer towards truth into unimaginable mess

There is only one thing to know
Its better to 'understand' it than to know it
Its better to 'sense' it than to understand it
Its better to 'be' it than to sense it

But you are so quick with your 'moves'
that its very hard to drop deep through that 'mesh'
When you stop 'moving'
Then you fall though that 'mesh'
Into that

The way objects cannot describe space, thoughts cannot grasp the consciousness. The objects are IN space, and the thoughts are happening Inside the consciousness.
What is between these two objects?
That something is space.
What is between these two thoughts?
There also another kind of space.
When the attention is not on objects,
what is then aware of this space?
When the attention could be hold
at the space between two thoughts
something 'else' comes into light
in a way that everything else now comes into light of that something 'else'
That awareness which is 'aware' of the 'outer' space
when reflected inside is aware of the 'inner' space
When this awareness is sensed
The whole scene flips 180
The seed is planted

Monday, December 12, 2016

The DoorKeeper

In today's age, I am, personally, equally disappointed by the so called intellectuals apparently driven by 'reason' appropriate only to themselves and the non-intellectuals (as per the intellectuals) who claim to have an understanding beyond reason but the course of their life is nothing but accidental. Both these sides are nothing in themselves but are just senseless 'reactions' towards each other. Both of them need the 'other' to have a sense of who they themselves are. One of them has put a blindfold to the intellect and other has loaded it with enormous mess of unnecessary complexity and thus completely missed out on a possibility to undergo any transformation.
This intellect is like the door keeper of the house who thinks he is the owner himself. This intellect is only formed with the impressions and conditioning one has gone though in his life. Now the mess is that, that certain 'philosophers' who have a little 'articulated' understanding of the delusions of the people, have an inflated sense of having freed themselves of those delusions and have awarded this doorkeeper with the crown of the house master. In fact this doorkeeper, even in its wildest fantasies cannot even begin to fathom what lies inside the house and who the real master is. It has learnt so many words, more than necessary, that it has learnt to block out and reject those things which would initiate it into the process of self discovery and freedom (now some doorkeepers will tag this as 'utopia' or 'god delusion' or whatever nonsense they have simply borrowed from the 'advanced' cultures). Also, it is not entirely at fault. There is also enormous amount of nonsense that goes on in the world in the name of 'spirituality' and 'religion' that it builds the walls to have a little sense of sanity. If one aspires nothing more than earning a living and taking care of a few things, these walls are okay but if one wants to really explore something substantial, then these walls are prison walls. Seeking enlightenment though the intellect alone is a guaranteed way of everlasting bewilderment and frustration. I would like to add here the most ridiculous thing I ever came across in this context.
'The age of enlightenment' as they themselves call it was the intellectual movement in the Europe in 17-18th century based on 'reason' as the primary authority. Sigh!
It is understandable though that it has emerged as the reaction to the doctrines and dogmas of the middle ages, but one fails to recon that this is not an advancement but only a swing of the pendulum. The 'culture' with all its 'rituals' have its origin in different spiritual practices. The ones who realized the infinite possibilities of human existence, the Buddhas, gave a systematic and  scientific methods to tap into your own Buddha nature, but by time, the essence is gone and only symbols are remaining. It is the stupidity of the masses who still cling to the rituals thinking that it is going to do something for them because of their 'faith' in it. Culture is the product of the consciousness of the realized ones. But following the culture is never going to make one realize his truth. One has to tap into the consciousness,  which itself is the source of everything. But our wise ones want to completely overthrow even the possibility of their own freedom and subscribe to the other extreme of the stupidity called 'nihilism' and what not and want to gauge everything said about the mysteries of the existence with their laughable 'scientific' tools and theories.
One example that is at the top of my head- about authority. I have seen how our 'wise' ones look down upon their 'religious' brothers who are 'praying' to 'God' with a pompous, borrowed  narrative and second hand pride 'I am my own authority', 'I refuse to submit and fully take responsibility of my own actions' and what not. The doorkeeper wins again. What is being missed here is, relaxing and surrendering is not being done to something external but it is a way to bring out the underlying house master within you. Until the superficial intellectual understanding has a grip on the psyche, it is always in a state of tension and conflict and will never allow the deeper dimension to surface. The 'God' or "Devotion' etc. are only the devices to create a stillness so that the intellect can relax and the magic can happen and in no way symbols of impotency. These are the ways developed by the enlightened ones to point towards that certain something and to make one understand the design of the creation and to consciously experience the creation and the existence as yourself and not only to have a peek at it though the imaginations and theories of the intellect. 

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Open Secret

One of the simplest words I have come across which point towards the highest state of consciousness is 'paying attention to the attention' by Mooji. It is a knack, really. If one simply asks 'where is my attention right now'? At that instant, the attention has to be here. It cannot be then wandering somewhere at some objects or thoughts. It has to come back here. In that moment all the content, i.e. all the psychological activity is dropped and you become present. You discover what it is like to be just awareness. You discover the existence beyond mind. You become no mind. No mind doesn't indicate unconsciousness. It is the exact opposite. It is full consciousness. Only then you realize that being occupied with the thoughts and all the psychological activity is like being asleep, being completely mechanical. In this presence, in this no mind, in this stillness, something tremendous happens. The deeper intelligence within you awakens. This intelligence is completely dis identified from all the impressions and conditioning. All the past, all the identity, all the boundaries are dropped at once. This realm of being once touched is recognized instantly as the most original state of your existence. It is the ecstasy. The awakening. A tremendous joy which is inherent and effortless in this state upsurges. And you will find no reason for it to be there at all. You won't be even looking for a reason because you will recognize this as your home. Reality. And will come to know that how the impressions and conditioning this consciousness goes through  distort the picture of reality and people are caught in the illusion of suffering.  And as the mind activity ceases here, you do not even have to maintain the pleasant state. It is spontaneous, uninterrupted and effortless. One of the fear people have for exploring the realms beyond mind is that they might lose their sanity. However, it is not the case. When you are established in the being, there is no psychological resistance left in you anymore, no conflicting philosophies and struggle for any achievement or fear of losing. You see the situation and tackle them far more efficiently than you were doing from the mind identified state.
One who understands this secret, not just intellectually but in its true essence, one who drinks this elixir, one who awakens to his being, one who transcends his limits, enjoys the nameless ecstasies. That one smiles without being afraid of losing it. That one lives. That one loves. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Where is this sound heard?
Where is this scene seen?
Where is this fragrance smelled?
This where takes you beyond.
And the beyond comes here.
You come home
And you become the sight, the sound and the smell.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

State of suffering has two exists. Solace and Awakening. The work is to align with that impulse which makes a Sankalpa for awakening. However dark may be the phase, there always exists one thread in the mind which is a hook facilitating transcendence. True knowledge is knowing that the suffering is not eternal. The eternal is that which is aware of the suffering. That intelligence is the Self. With a love for the truth, love for that intelligence makes one a devotee, It drives the seeker through the alignment of devotion, knowledge and right action. Through this love the person is able to offer himself at the feet of the higher Intelligence and realize that he is one with the Self already.
May our hope and desire be only the attainment of the truth.  

Monday, October 10, 2016

By his Grace the seed is planted
By his Grace you become Bodhisattva
By his Grace you meditate 
By his Grace the seed of awareness is nurtured
By his Grace the Dhyaan grows
By his Grace the consciousness flowers
By his Grace  the love awakens
By his Grace the love explodes
By his Grace you disappear 
By his Grace only love remains

Monday, September 19, 2016

This is.

This is.
Where does 'This is' point to?

When 'I am',
What is not is not

Through 'I am'
'This is'

From am-ness
to is-ness

Friday, August 26, 2016

Unconditional joy is not the attainment but the most natural state of your being. 
But the misery and dread is so dear to the so called deep and wise.
That it has become in this culture a sign of naivety to talk about the happiness and joy.
The highest of the high, the Buddha, when he closes his eyes, he is not in denial but in the awareness of the most profound. 
He is overflowing with joy, that arises in him without this world.
Dis-identification from this form is not an escape but the entry into your most sacred abode. Of the conscious unity of everything.
As long as there is an 'other' in your psyche, you have missed it.
This is your eternal home.
Forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, surrender are not the virtues to cultivate for others, but are a ladder for you to reach your being, to return to it.
The learned once already occupying your psyche will deny this.
From where did we learn to distrust the existence so much? That we immediately ask the reason as soon as touched by some joy. This is the poverty of this culture to be hesitant in welcoming the joy in.
So much effort to change the external without knowing that its the fight only with the shadow.
The realized once didn't turn their back on the evil of the world by being absorbed in this bliss.
They know how to bring the well being to this world even with the closed eyes.
May there be striving in us.
To attain to the truth of our being.
The Supreme Hermit is home
This being home is the being
This comfort mothers
This is wholeness
In this wholeness there is not even one
Not one, not two

There is only the is-ness
Is-ness of what?
Home is beyond this question
Home is prior to this question

This is the sacred most abode
My dwelling place

Who am I?
Who am I not?
I do not understand the who
I do not answer the who

Knowing needs two
I am the knowledge
Without any content

So what is that, that is?
That what is, is
Why call it as this
Or that

Friday, July 8, 2016


It becomes a celebration
When you let it be
Ask for a little peace
And what you get is
Nameless Ecstasies

No its not a betrayal
To the mourning world
Because only if you dig up
To the source
Can you bring the beauty
To this world
And all the riches of the beyond

It's the alchemy
The secret
The truth
The awakening

Those ancient
inexhaustible laws
Which all the wise ones talked about
The ancient is now
As fresh and uncorrupted  

When your boundaries
Then you know
Your being

There is a treasure
Waiting to be discovered
Don't you already
Have a hint?

The presence
Erases the past
And the future
It erases the Me
And You
What is left
Is the being
What is left is
This. Now.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I wish I could drink your pain
And free you
To see what I see

Why do you still curl up
And keep yourself wounded
Don't you see
That its you who doesn't let you heal?

A million reasons you have got
To convince yourself of your aching heart
And you think you would even
Convince a Budhha of your misfortune

See that its your unconscious question to God
You ask him
Do you see my suffering?
Is there anybody who understands my pain?
You see?

Know that he sees everything
He has become you
And suffers as you
He, as You has become utterly helpless
So helpless that you
Don't even consider yourself worthy of begging

You see that you can't take it anymore
Yet you don't see how you can- not drag yourself
Endlessly sinking away from all light

I constantly hover over you
But there is no space
There is no space for me
To come inside of you

You see how you have trapped the God inside
With your own reason?
You have defeated God
Because he doesn't know
The way of his own exit

Do something
Please do something
Do it somehow

I know you
I see everything
I have been you
And I have been me

I have lived as you
And I have transcended you
Know that its possible

Don't ask me
What's at the other end
Because you are such an idiot
That you will sleep more

Just ask how?
Ask how?
Ask how?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


The operator d/dx, has brought tears of pain in many eyes and has let to an outcry from many as 'tell me one real life situation where this comes of use'. It recently occurred to me, relating to my own experience, that in the domain of self inquiry, the way it happens, the way the dis-attachment of the consciousness from the pre-assumed identity 'I' happens, is quite similar to the polynomial which when subjected to d/dx gets reduced, a degree at a time, unless only a constant with no variable is remaining.

Whatever opinions, judgments or interpretations one has are centered around the false 'I' that is the ego. All the thoughts one can have, when traced back at the root, has the false root as this 'I'. Now when one questions the validity of this 'I' itself, the source of all thought, something else, something of another dimension starts happening. Then one witnesses the reduction of this complex paraphernalia of emotions, stories, past, future, guilt, suffering, confusion, anxiety, happiness, sadness, all that is the product of the unconscious attachment with the false 'I' coming into the witnessing light and disappearing bit by bit. The whole life story one has built around this variable 'I' starts to crack and starts getting reduced to lesser and lesser degree of complexity.

The tool d/dI is the device formulated by the realized masters. Some are in the form of self inquiry,  some in the form of self remembrance and much more.. These tools are there to reduce the complex mess that is this 'I', to annihilate this 'I', to free the consciousness from the false identification with the body-mind, and to reveal its true nature.  The unchanging constant that remains is something beyond description and has to be tasted only by being that..  

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Walking on a tight rope
Falling down in the abyss
Finding the rope again
Falling again
Finding yourself on rope again
And again
And again
Trying to fall again
And finding the abyss is gone
The rope is gone

Monday, June 6, 2016

The nothingness of a thought can be watched from the nothingness of everything.
There is no thinker.
Once watched a thought come and go, the watcher will come forth.
That is your seat. 

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Is there anything here
That is not drunk

Have you heard the way
The blackbird sings
And how the sparrows
Play around

There is only one being
The ancient one 

His ways are such
That his multiplicity
Knows his oneness 

All parts of the whole
Are the whole itself
With full awareness

Every expression of him
Is his own story 
And his glory

The falling leaf
Was infact a butterfly 
I don't know 
Myself anymore

I was in search of 
His knowledge
But he is a drink 
He himself a spoilt

The distant stars
The white clouds
The moon
Have arrived here now

Now there is only 
One thing going on
I am

Saturday, June 4, 2016


All of the aspirations a human can have are, in turn, this or that form of pleasure, power or knowledge. The unbound, unconditioned nature of human consciousness, in its most pure form, freed from all the impressions and conditioning is the house of these three attributes in their limitless nature.
That pleasure is not an outcome of  some happening but the inherent nature.
That power is not power over others but the source of energy itself manifesting in the form of life.
That knowledge is not the information about anything but the recognition of the true Self.
The call is from the real self. It reaches the person through his own ideas about the reality which he collects as per his conditioning and this call gets twisted and gives rise to personal ambitions, desires, conquests and so on...  

Friday, June 3, 2016

Why attributes?

What-is is simple
Without attributes
Then why talk about it

Talk is needed to know what is not
Everything you know
Is not
What is not has attributes
Hence for what-is
There are negative attributes

What-is is neither this
Nor that
Neither free
Nor bound
Neither happy
Nor sad
Name it and its not that

There is a domain of opposites
What-is transcends that  

Thursday, June 2, 2016


The level of uncertainty one allows or enjoys in their life is normally, though not necessarily, in direct relation to the level of certainty they have. For instance, a person having enough economical support can afford to take chances and experiment with his career without bothering much about the monetary returns. Someone with a fair and smooth inflow of money can take a couple of months or a year off from their usual activities and go travelling, exploring and so on. So the relative uncertainty one can afford to allow correlates directly to the relative certainty they have of their assets, safety, life, relationships and innumerable other factors one holds important.
So now, if we take things to the extreme, what would it take to allow absolute uncertainty in one's life? Is it possible? Is it possible to just live with no intention to direct the course of things in any particular direction and let the story be played by itself? What would it take? What kind of certainty would it take to allow everything you hold as yours including this body and this life to be acted out without your control?
This is Zen. This is Yoga. This is the oneness.This is Advaita. The universal consciousness. Awakening. This is the living mystery of existence. This certainty nullifies every attempt of the ego to strife and perpetuate. The food for the ego is separation of this body-mind from the whole. What purpose remains for the ego when the oneness is consciously experienced? When there is only you, you as the whole, you alone as the conscious unity of this existence, not in theory, not as a belief, not as a poetic expression, not as a sad feel good lullaby, not as an imagination but the direct recognition of your non divisibility, the living truth as you being everything, at the same time being nothing, a constant fountain of awareness without any past or future, the source of the matter and energy, the conscious witness of this play where there are no players, where everything happens without any intent and nothing ever goes wrong, where you see the perfection and the utter simplicity of all the existence...

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

When I try seize it
I separate myself from it
How can I seize it
When I am it

The art is to let what-is be

How can I be free
Free from whom
When I am all there is

What is there for me to do
The doing has disappeared
I don't even know myself
I know what's not
And what-is remains unknown
Its being
Not knowing

Undo Me

There are ways to resolve the mess that is you. To undo you can be a very long and systematic, methodical process, at the same time it can be instantaneous. Your knot is being untied on its own in some instances that you are unaware of. These are the direct entry points. Once you tap into- from these entry points, you are there. However, not for long. When you are back, this time there has been a change. Your body-mind is not the same now as it was before you tapped into--. The mind will try to put your experience in some perspective and name it. Do not bother. Just know that its the mind's another to-be-failed attempt at grasping what-is.
These entry points into the absolute - being innumerable - you can identify your own- that you discover on your own. Some of these are- the gap between the breathing cycles-between the inhalation and exhalation - exhalation and the next inhalation- the mind stops when the breathing stops- at the gap you cannot think- at the gap there is silence-which when you stay there will sink in-
Another slide is through the gap between thoughts-when you are watching your thoughts come and go-without following any one of them-you will come across a gap-when one thought passes and another appears-there is a gap-being there-you are directly home-
The mind will not understand that how can the realization be so close- it's true that its not so close- actually its very far-but there seems so much distance between you and your goal because of the immense simplicity of the truth- the mind will take its own time give up the resistance- however do not bother. You just keep jumping- every time you jump to the destination- you can't stay there- you will be thrown back, but you will be thrown back one step closer than where you jumped from--

The ways how the fictions story of 'me' perpetuates- once analyzed-- revealed many loopholes in the egoic story-- identify how you are deceiving yourself--
Some examples being-- Guilt- The ego is guilty-- But the true self is free of any guilt. Whenever you are guilty in your story-- know that its not you and it will be dropped on its own--
Its possible to identify single attributes of the egoic ways and keep dropping it, at the same time, knowing that the whole story you tell yourself is false-- the whole story about your past, future, good or bad events in your life--the whole story is false-- not a single word of it is true-- knowing this will not invest any more energy into the false story and automatically the jump will happen

A single moment of content-less consciousness
This is home
When there is no story
No actor
No player
Nothing to hold on to
Nothing to get rid of

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The words have all been uttered 
Some called it the Self
Some called it the God
Some called it consciousness 

But have you lived it
Have you rejected everything 
That every master ever said
And discovered something authentic 

Have you stood at the point
Which couldn't be pointed to

Has your ability to Suffer
Come to extinction
Have you overruled every attempt
Of the mind to describe it 

If not
There is more
More to lose

Monday, May 30, 2016

Die Now

You departed from yourself
And the universe came into being

You became the lover
You became the beloved

This play has been going on for eternity now
Now let it peak into the ecstasy of your truth
Let the lover and the beloved vanish
Die now
Awaken now

Monday, May 16, 2016


The rain that precipitated wasn't new.
It was latent in the atmosphere.
It manifested when the conditions were for it.

The universe also precipitated.
From a latency.
The beginning was not in the past.
But at another level of consciousness.
Present now as it was ever.
The convergence.