Tuesday, January 17, 2017

God is a DJ

Do you hear that sound?
When there is nothing on mind?

There is a continuous stream of sound
Like silent ringing of bells
Like a continuous spring
It has been here all along
How have we not noticed it?

You have known
When the pianist hits the right keys

When the guitar strings
Resonate with the strings of your heart

When your emotions ride
On the accordion waves
This dragon called the mind
Gets pet like a homely dog

But this is another kind of sound
This is the un-created
The silent background of
All the happenings

In this sound
You totally disappear

What a divine music this is
Nourishing my whole being

I stood with a bowl in my hand
But how foolish of me
To ask for water
While being submerged in this ocean

All the creatures lie submerged
In this soundless sound
With respective dimensions
This is the secret language of God

As God knows himself to be this bird
The bird however takes itself to be a bird

Evolving under the guidance of the source
That is present within

It seems as if
The light is the first manifestation of this sound
Falling on the leaf
How would this sensation be?
The awakening of a plant
One step higher towards its own source

How much would the source of creation
Love its own manifestations
And evolving them
And evolving with them

The light is thinner than the second sense
Could the second manifestation be the sound?
The sound produced by vibrations
The created sound?

The conductor is directing an orchestra
From outside
But my beloved is within
Blind to itself
But full of trust and devotion
That one day he will merge with himself
Oh what a love story is this!

He then developed the eyes
And saw the world for first time
His own creation!

Only in man he gained full consciousness
Still sleepwalking though
Having heard all sounds
But missing out on the soundless

He knew that he was onto something
Something always eluded him
Something that was so close
His longing grew more and more
He fell in love
With his own mystery
He danced in this love
He danced in his longing
He danced in his madness
He danced in his devotion

Suddenly one moment
Everything stopped
The man as he saw himself to be disappeared

Now there was no need of all the senses
Something else had come into light
Then he knew himself as the uncreated
He heard himself but not with this ears
He saw himself but not with this eyes
He smelled himself but not with this nose
He saw himself in everything and everyone
He had been the DJ
And he had been the music
He had been partying
All along

Monday, January 16, 2017

Ecstasy and Agony

I am at this doorstep
At this crossroad
Facing the infinite ecstasy
The end of all ends
The unfolding of my truth

But I still suffer from this agony
Agony of your ignorance
It feels like leaving a clan alone to enter this bliss
My heart is wrenched for every moment of yours spent in untruth
What are you trying to protect? With all your efforts?
These are all carcasses you take for a culture and rich heritage
Stinking to the heavens and causing you eternal suffering
These are only the symbols you  are carrying  of the auspiciousness
Hoping one day your prayer will be answered and your faith will bear a fruit
But this is not the way
Its not my wish that you must rot in your own false convictions
Its just the way of the existence

Why would you trust me anyway, though
You will try with all your being
To pull me on the 'right' path so that I let go of my 'fantasies'
But I have nothing to let go anymore
I am not holding onto anything
My pleasure is not a 'result' of anything
Its just there like an endless, continuous fountain
The source is unlocked
The miracle has happened
The meditation has happened
The auspicious has happened

A strange experience is this
Like a small lamp of joy in enormous storm of misery
But, to my surprise
This lamp is inextinguishable

Feels like being on drugs
On a mundane Monday
And there is no way back
To the so called normalcy
This is the most normal I can be
Even after drinking everybody's misery
This being smiles and smiles
Maybe this is just another of my desire
Of sharing this domain beyond the domain of all phenomena
The realm of the being

May we see the new heights of human consciousness
May this secret spread like a wildfire
May the Buddha in everyone of us
Be remembered and awakened

Friday, January 13, 2017

Existence and its mysteries

Classical way of understanding the universe around us in Science has been in terms of the observations of the natural phenomenon, experiments, analysis and formulation of laws that correspond to these natural phenomenon. Now in the modern physics there is an understanding that says that the observer plays a very crucial role in the observations and when there is nobody to observe, the universe doesn't exist. So, no observation can be absolute and the understanding based on observation will always remain incomplete. The interpretation of this is that the universe doesn't exist if not observed. 
It got me thinking. Another interpretation of this could be that- now the universe looks like this to man with the five senses he has that are the peak of the evolution of the life on earth as we know. So, to the less evolved consciousness, to the consciousness of animals, the universe might appear something different than what it appears to the humans. That could mean that the universe is evolving with the evolving consciousness. To the consciousness of the ant to say, the universe is not as evolved as it is evolved in our experience. For this ant, the higher forms of consciousness do not exist yet. This ant is now at the peak of evolution in its own universe. When say it gets killed by a human, other ants may classify this event as something supernatural. This could in turn mean that we are seeing the evolution of this universe and evolved universe at the same time in front of our eyes. There may never have been any beginning somewhere back in time but it might be right here, right now. To the very rudimentary consciousness, say to the consciousness of a gas particle, it might appear as if the universe has freshly sprung up into existence! (From where?) Those same gas particles got liquefied, solidified and formed all the elements by fusing with with other. This body is made from the same particles that have been there since the beginning (?). There are some factors through which these particles have formed and sustained in different shapes and forms. In a tree they were bound together in the shape of a tree. In animals they were bound together in the shape of an animal. Now in human form, they are bound together in the shape of a human. What binds them in the shape of human? Which force is this? And is there really any boundary actually that ok-this is me upto here and this is the universe? 
In a view of all this together, the One and only thing, absolutely the only thing that could be said with absolute certainty is that 'I am'. There is some awareness here which is aware of things. There is absolutely nothing else-not one single thing that we say holds any real substance in it. Careful reflection will show that even 'I am this' is an assumption. Even 'who am I?' question is based on the assumption that there are different entities there. There is an inherent assumption that something 'other' is there when we ask 'who am I?'. And in the deepest unconscious sleep, there is not even a possibility of saying anything. There is the unconsciousness. That would imply the universe has not even begun yet. Or it has been dissolved. Who knows?  
So, was this whole universe a scaffolding through which this awareness of being has evolved itself?
Is there no substance in the perception but the only reality is the perceiver?
Would the new approach in science will be to discover the laws that maintain this eternal harmonious movement considering the beginning and end invalid ? 
In deep meditation, when there is no thought, no sensation, when there is only the awareness, does that mean at those moments, the universe lies dissolved? 
Is that why the people who 'knew' have called the universe as Illusion?
The the reality, whatever it may be, when it appears at the doorstep, would you jump into it?
Would you go on this trip? Leaving the 'known' behind? 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Language of the Mystics

The language of the mystics 
May sound like literary aesthetics 
Full of metaphors and allegories
But there is not a single word, unnecessary 
Because the path is already full of darkness
And they want not that their beloved is lead astray 

They are in a predicament 
To speak of the unspeakable 
To share the gift 
Of a Sufi heart  

The world of the forms and shapes
Needs adjectives and adornments 
But the truth can be drunk
Only stripped off of everything false 

Those drunkards 
Hafez and Rumi and Omar Khayyam
Who danced and who loved 
Are the bees 
Who collected the cosmic nectar 
For you to taste 
To taste your own heart 
And know their secret language  

To feel that tenderness in your heart
Like the evening star
And the all consuming brightness
Of the afternoon sun 

They call out that something within you
That knows it can talk to the moon
That knows that plants also dance 
That recognizes the songs of the birds 
And knows that, that is the beloved 
That, that is the lover 
And that is beyond the two 
And that alone exists 

It is this ecstasy of which
These mad ones are singing about 
Of finding harmony amidst chaos
Of finding eternity amidst time  
Of finding utter stillness amidst intense movement 
Of knowing who you really are 

Monday, January 9, 2017


Communication through words is the most feeble
We all have this intrinsic understanding 

So much yearning for being understood
But the communication has never happened 
Nor will it ever happen

The words are at your periphery
They reach the other at their periphery
And if those words ever sink in them
You know what happens 
They don't 'get it'

There are different words you use
To belong to different groups 
Certain words for the family
Certain words for the friends
But that attempt at belonging is always an effort
Like two pyramids who want to share two faces with each other 

There is no authenticity in that belonging 
The most authentic place of belonging lies hidden
Just beneath
So close to you
Its not even appropriate to say it is close
Because it is you, yourself 

At the heart of reality
You exist as one
Not two
Not in conflict 
But present
What is more absurd?
The narrative? Or the absence of it?

Sunday, January 8, 2017

On Ignorance, Fear and Desire

Be aware that whatever happens, happens to you, by you, through you, that you are the creator, enjoyer and destroyer of all you perceive and you will not be afraid. Unafraid, you will not be unhappy, nor will you seek happiness.
In the mirror of your mind all kinds of pictures appear and disappear. Knowing that they are entirely your own creations, watch them silently come and go, be alert, but not perturbed. This attitude of silent observation is the very foundation of Yoga. You see the picture, but you are not the picture.
~ Nisargadatta

These words of an enlightened one do not 'contain' the truth in them, but the truth contains these words. A master is a living embodiment of the truth, which itself is unspeakable but can be pointed towards- for the disciples to discover it in themselves. The truth is thus universal and individual at the same time. One cannot misappropriate the understanding of an enlightened being but one is enabled with certain 'data' needed for the exploration within himself. Not within his mind but within his 'presence'. 
Now, our understanding so far has been like- the situations happening around us determine the state of our mind. The perception is such that certain situation is causing me pain, or certain people make me irritated, or there are some activities in which I find pleasure and so on. But in reality, there is a certain 'data' that has already been crystallized in our 'common presence' which determines our reactions to every situation. There is a certain spectrum of experience we have framed for ourselves and everything happening around falls in some or the other place in that already assumed 'understanding of the world'. These 'data', what they are and how they became crystallized is another matter of exploration, but a point to note is- how to know that whatever is happening is really the way it is or I am making it up.
Now, the very interesting mess is- if one has a wrong conviction in the mind- everything happening looks exactly in concord with that conviction- for say, if one thinks that the world is a very hostile place- he gives rise to the experiences in all ways strengthening his conviction and is dragged more and more away from the truth. But to see that everything that happens is entirely your creation- there is no need of having this as your conviction-but only an impartial watchfulness is needed. In this watching, slowly the turbulence of the mind starts to slow down and a point comes of immense standstill. 
In the knowledge of this reality of the being, the fear, whatever fear one may have, of death, of separation, of failure etc, is simply and automatically dropped because one then knows that there is nothing there apart from this silent watchfulness. The mind was only like a phantom arising in the absence of the knowledge of our being. The mind has now entirely disappeared and there is only presence. No identity. Only knowing. 
And another consequence of this observation, this knowledge is - one comes to know that the desire was also a manifestation of the fear- seeking pleasure, security, future, happiness and everything- because the consciousness took  itself to be this 'person' because it was ignorant of its reality. 
A lot of effort and energy is wasted in our lives fighting the fears and desires and thus one is never fully satisfied. One cannot actually be fully satisfied because the one, the 'person' is only the consciousness, which in reality is just a presence- that was ignorant of itself.    
Thus the fear and desire are only shadows and have no place in the light of the realization of your being. 
May all beings reach their truth which is a storehouse of infinite pleasure, infinite knowledge and infinite power. 
Our infinite gratitude towards the enlightened ones, without the guidance of who, man would only travel in circles trapped in the shackles of the religions, scriptures, rituals, beliefs and disbeliefs thus never advancing towards any higher objective possibility. 