Sunday, February 9, 2014


Surfing along the waves
of uncertainty
I found my joy
of not making sense

A jolt of insanity
Throwing the mind
into an abyss

Away from the womb
of the mother
Away from the touch
of the beloved
Away from the known
space, time and life
A cold, distant place
Fucking dark and freezing

Then I knew
Its my own darkness
Obscuring me
from my own shine
From so much I possess
Light and Will

Gliding myself in the abyss
knowing that I am
And how remarkable
Is my journey
Our journey
Beyond ourselves

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Shine on you...

If I were asked to say the best song of all times, all moods and universes, it would be Shine On You Crazy Diamond. Hands down. It's like a complete trip of meaning. The people who compose that kind of stuff 'know' what's there to know. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

This, that

Suppose somebody from outside of human world comes to Earth to 'evaluate' how we have done in the past say 10,000 years. Do we get a good rating? Given that we were distinguished from animals by the so called superior brain? Of course there is the art, the medicine, science and all the exploration of physical universe, studies of human mind, cultivating the virtues such as kindness, compassion and love.. but given the time and capabilities we had, is it enough? I feel there is some basic,.intrinsic, invisible barrier or constraints of some inexplicable manner which plays a significant role in human dynamics. That we are not always headed towards a better future. The constant breakouts of hatred and negativity in the people's minds, killings, physical and mental torture, greed, the fight for dominance etc clearly reveal that we still have a long long way to go reach some level of civilization which we can call being truly human.

Not a single day passes when I am not amazed by the fact that, for us to be here, it took a fucking long chain of survivors. Just think till how far you know your ancestors.. hardly 4,5 generations? And think when life has originated here on Earth. Each one in our ancestral line has managed to struggle, fight, keep alive, reproduce. It has taken insane amount of time and effort for you to be right there. Alive. And as a human society, how much respect we have for this fact? 

I watched the movie 'Das Experiment' yesterday. In that movie, there is an experiment in which they 'simulate' a prison with randomly assigning roles of guards and prisoners to the volunteers. In conclusion, it is seen that irrespective pf personal traits and the past, people started to get actually entrapped into the 'role' they were playing. Some guards showed the authoritative and sadistic tendencies while some prisoners turned submissive, some turned rebel and so on.. so the thing I want to say here is, is all the behavior of people depend on the 'setting' of the experiment and as the setting is prison, even if it a simulation, the similar things had to happen there? Is our world also some kind of a 'setting', some kind of 'stage' where each one plays some role.. even if at individual level everybody seem to be okay, as a group things get a different shape.. I mean, one can think, 'it's a prison.. things like these are bound to happen'.. he might even extend it  to the whole world.. 'we're on Earth.. things like these are bound to happen..'

Personally, I like Osho's views on this topic. It goes something like.. unless everybody has a way to vent out the negativity in himself, things will keep getting fucked up.. only if I do not inflict my pain upon others, the peace can't be there and all human kind keeps adding meaningless zeros the history (from waking life!)..
A very good similarity can be found in the 'war is peace' thing of George Orwell.. many times I have found myself feeling a bit relaxed and relieved when I see things as how soldiers from my country killed some of the enemy people etc.. 

As a whole, we are responsible for every good or bad thing happening here. Everyone adds to the 'one big mind' or the total human consciousness. If there's too much frustration, anger, oppressed feelings, or anything less than human,  it has to and will break out somewhere on somebody.. we need healers.. first to heal myself, yourself, getting clean of all the false things, any idea of identity which creates a separation from other humans.. in fact other beings too.. living or even non living., anything that denies the freedom, which oppresses the human nature.. we have already wasted so much time time dividing.. this is the time to get past that.. there's so much more if our efforts are symbiotic and not competitive.. 

We have learnt how we were wrong in perceiving the world.. the force and energy were not different as thought but inter convertible.. then we knew all the forms of energy being no different than each other.. then came mass/ energy equivalence.. and hopefully a theory is not far away which combines the whole science, spirituality, humans, other life forms, and everything..! 

My point is we have now enough 'data' and knowledge that how everything here works.. so now we can be more than just objects which are governed by some rules.. if now we know the rules, can't we manipulate them for our own good? Is it going to happen that the evolution process of bodies and minds get more rapid if we ;know' things and how to control them..? 

More on this, next time.. 

to be continued..