Thursday, March 14, 2019

Do not wait

Do not wait for the Scientists to confirm the good news
Do not wait for your favorite Journal to publish a paper on this
Do not wait for your intellectuals to confirm this
Aren't those drowning in bliss of oneness, enough proof?
The living embodiment of love, wisdom, compassion, bliss..
Giving out all secrets..
Opening up this bounty..

Uff so fortunate are those uneducated ears
Somehow protected from the sophistication, from all the art and lies..

Fortunate is but the humanity as whole
For there are those who - though intoxicated to the brim,
are able to articulate the experience
and with their infinite compassion, lay out a Gnosis

But for the one with an eye to see
The dance of a drunkard and his ecstasy itself is enough guidance

For the one just on the brink of a breakthrough
One nudge is enough!! 
A silent smile, a glance from a Buddha is enough
To jump into his own Buddha hood!!