Wednesday, December 11, 2019

From Gross to Subtle to Nothing

As my awareness is deepening and as I have touched and experience the deep deep silence that is present within..

Somehow it is more and more evident to me that the composers of classical music in the old times must have composed it from a place of deep silence. Not only that but the instruments they have invented like flute and Veena could not come into existence without accessing the deeper realms of experience. There is something very subtle that responds very intimately with the sound of such. I can see that why it is called a ''Sangeet Sadhana" that demands utmost dedication and discipline of character, purity of intention and a ''Deeksha" from a Guru.

This is not about morality but there is something "existentially right" in the pure mental channels and how this brings one to a certain state of caliber. One who has understood and accessed the enlightened consciousness displays a certain behavior that is accepted as a virtue by others who can sense the distinction present in such a being. The idea of virtue is born out of natural or "Sahaj" behavior of a Sage that is not in conflict with the existence and it is not a certain code given by some self righteous one. Thus a virtue is a higher virtue if the one displaying it is not even aware of it. Through accessing the Sahaj realm there is no more mental conflict in him and no conscious awareness of hierarchy of virtues. His actions are not guided by a certain idea of higher or lower virtues but it is a spiritual perfection of action that is not even an action, a non-action if you will.

So coming back to the stillness of the mind-- I see a tremendous change in my music taste.. something I could not tolerate before because it was "too slow" or "monotonous" or "boring" is now making me shed tears, sometime uncontrollably. Simple flute sounds are putting me into such a sweet ecstatic experiences that it is for me not less than a miracle. I am able to appreciate more subtle realms and the dependency on gross stimulants such as loud sounds, intoxicants, physical compulsions is going down. It is as if never before I had smelled the air or tasted the water or felt the touch of rays of Sun. The colors are much brighter, all existence looks as if it is just washed clean by rains  body is much lighter sometimes even weightless (not exaggerating), mind fresher and more lucid and prana much more vital. For longer periods of time (compared to my past) I am remaining without any thought in my mind and what a tremendous tremendous experience this is I cannot even begin to explain. It is as if the birds, trees, the dust particles, clouds everything has realized that they are nothing but God himself and are absorbed in the deep reverence and a great great celebration.

I am appreciating the heritage that we have in India where for thousands of years people have known the secrets of universe. Realization or liberation or Mukti or enlightenment is recognized as a complete fulfillment of life. A little droplet of that experience has come my way and has drenched me in this kind of experience, I wonder what they had meant by you yourself are God. You yourself are that infinite knowledge of all that ever existed and ever will exist. That you yourself are that eternal Parmatma who is at the same time infinite bliss, infinite knowledge and infinite power.