Friday, July 4, 2014


Now a days I got to read so much about 'scientists' whose 'research' links selfies to narcissism, addiction and mental illness etc. Well of course it is linked to self obsession. I don't understand what research needs to be done to highlight an obvious fact. Linking it to these illnesses is still alright but concluding that these conditions are caused by taking selfies is going way overboard, I think.

A narcissist is a narcissist. Taking a selfie doesn't make one. Say I am a narcissist (whether I am or not is unknown to me too, and who is to say anyway) and if I don't have an option to take a selfie, I would bug my friends to take my pictures from above my head, below my chin etc. I would spend hours and hours in front of mirror before going outside. Before cellphones I remember there were small mirrors those could fit in a pocket. Atleast sefies have given it a way. Obsession over looks and response from social media is not caused by selfies. It is already there and selfies are just a symptom. And once more our beloved 'researchers' are trying to cure symptoms. 

And who is going to judge if someone is a narcissist. I say the people who are researching on such obvious fact and feeling that they have figured out the problems of the world and feeling good are narcissists themselves. So I want to say it to people, teenage girls, guys, old people, young people, everyone.. if you want to take your own pictures, do it. If you are a narcissist, atleast be genuine. Don't let a bunch of good for nothing researchers demoralize you. If you really think you have a 'condition', reflect over it. Do not get led to believe you need external help. You are good enough and intelligent to solve your own problems.

And my beloved researchers, find some real things to work on. Go stop some wars or get a life or cat or whatever...

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely :) Selfies are just one fact of our modern capitalist society and so is pointless research solely aimed at getting a place in the newspapers for a day and giving people some lube for their intellectual masturbation.
