Monday, December 12, 2016

The DoorKeeper

In today's age, I am, personally, equally disappointed by the so called intellectuals apparently driven by 'reason' appropriate only to themselves and the non-intellectuals (as per the intellectuals) who claim to have an understanding beyond reason but the course of their life is nothing but accidental. Both these sides are nothing in themselves but are just senseless 'reactions' towards each other. Both of them need the 'other' to have a sense of who they themselves are. One of them has put a blindfold to the intellect and other has loaded it with enormous mess of unnecessary complexity and thus completely missed out on a possibility to undergo any transformation.
This intellect is like the door keeper of the house who thinks he is the owner himself. This intellect is only formed with the impressions and conditioning one has gone though in his life. Now the mess is that, that certain 'philosophers' who have a little 'articulated' understanding of the delusions of the people, have an inflated sense of having freed themselves of those delusions and have awarded this doorkeeper with the crown of the house master. In fact this doorkeeper, even in its wildest fantasies cannot even begin to fathom what lies inside the house and who the real master is. It has learnt so many words, more than necessary, that it has learnt to block out and reject those things which would initiate it into the process of self discovery and freedom (now some doorkeepers will tag this as 'utopia' or 'god delusion' or whatever nonsense they have simply borrowed from the 'advanced' cultures). Also, it is not entirely at fault. There is also enormous amount of nonsense that goes on in the world in the name of 'spirituality' and 'religion' that it builds the walls to have a little sense of sanity. If one aspires nothing more than earning a living and taking care of a few things, these walls are okay but if one wants to really explore something substantial, then these walls are prison walls. Seeking enlightenment though the intellect alone is a guaranteed way of everlasting bewilderment and frustration. I would like to add here the most ridiculous thing I ever came across in this context.
'The age of enlightenment' as they themselves call it was the intellectual movement in the Europe in 17-18th century based on 'reason' as the primary authority. Sigh!
It is understandable though that it has emerged as the reaction to the doctrines and dogmas of the middle ages, but one fails to recon that this is not an advancement but only a swing of the pendulum. The 'culture' with all its 'rituals' have its origin in different spiritual practices. The ones who realized the infinite possibilities of human existence, the Buddhas, gave a systematic and  scientific methods to tap into your own Buddha nature, but by time, the essence is gone and only symbols are remaining. It is the stupidity of the masses who still cling to the rituals thinking that it is going to do something for them because of their 'faith' in it. Culture is the product of the consciousness of the realized ones. But following the culture is never going to make one realize his truth. One has to tap into the consciousness,  which itself is the source of everything. But our wise ones want to completely overthrow even the possibility of their own freedom and subscribe to the other extreme of the stupidity called 'nihilism' and what not and want to gauge everything said about the mysteries of the existence with their laughable 'scientific' tools and theories.
One example that is at the top of my head- about authority. I have seen how our 'wise' ones look down upon their 'religious' brothers who are 'praying' to 'God' with a pompous, borrowed  narrative and second hand pride 'I am my own authority', 'I refuse to submit and fully take responsibility of my own actions' and what not. The doorkeeper wins again. What is being missed here is, relaxing and surrendering is not being done to something external but it is a way to bring out the underlying house master within you. Until the superficial intellectual understanding has a grip on the psyche, it is always in a state of tension and conflict and will never allow the deeper dimension to surface. The 'God' or "Devotion' etc. are only the devices to create a stillness so that the intellect can relax and the magic can happen and in no way symbols of impotency. These are the ways developed by the enlightened ones to point towards that certain something and to make one understand the design of the creation and to consciously experience the creation and the existence as yourself and not only to have a peek at it though the imaginations and theories of the intellect. 


  1. This one is very heavy to grasp.
    Read it twice.

  2. Damn. That means I am complicating things unnecessarily. Will try to be more explicit now.
